Dear ~~first_name~~,
The Governor and House leadership remain stalemated on the issue of educational savings accounts and increased public school funding. The Governor refuses to allow consideration of increased public school funding unless the House passes SB 1 (the voucher bill) and the House refuses to hold hearings on SB 1 unless the Governor agrees to allow the Legislature to also pass HB 1 that couples increased funding for public schools with a more modest voucher program.
The House has passed its own version of SB 11, creating a new offense of Improper Entry from a Foreign Nation, as well as SB 4, which increases the already severe penalties for human smuggling. A bill for over $1 billion in spending for border security passed the House and is headed to the Senate.
All that business done, it appears the House will adjourn today without considering either HB 1 or SB 1. If that is the case, expect another special session, either immediately or in January.
In League,
The League of Women Voters of Texas continues to work tirelessly to advocate for all Texans this legislative session. Donate today to support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy!
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