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Coalitions & Resources: Redistricting/Census

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Coalitions & Resources: Redistricting/Census
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-07-26T21:55:00Z
  • Fair Maps Texas- A coalition of non-profits working together to fix the broken redistricting system in Texas.  This reform effort includes a broad range of nonpartisan coalition partners and collectively, we aim to raise public awareness, build support for reform, host events, initiate grassroots activism and provide policy expertise.
  •  Redistricting Action Kit- This Action Kit was created by the LWVUS and provides tools for League members to take action in your community.  Includes strategy ideas, example letter to the editor, and questions for legislators.
  •  Texas Legislative Council- A site managed by the state of Texas.  Find redistricting plans, data, and comprehensive reports on 2011 redistricting.
  •  All About Redistricting-A webpage created by Justin Levitt, a nationally recognized scholar of constitutional law and the law of democracy. Professor Justin Levitt recently returned to Loyola after serving as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.