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Testimonies: Women's Health & Reproductive Choice

4.7.21 Women's Health HB 3760
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-04-07T23:50:00Z





I am Louise Hytken, testifying as a member and on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Texas in OPPOSITION TO HB 3760. We appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today. Thank you for allowing us to share the League of Women Voters of Texas position on this bill. 

We oppose HB 3760. 

HB 3760 which discusses palliative care is a bill that would force women to continue a pregnancy even though the fetus is non-viable. It would also bar later-term abortions in the case of severe fetal abnormalities. Women in that situation would be provided with information about perinatal palliative care, or support services. This forced pregnancy is cruel and wrong. 

This bill, like HB 3218, proposes a ban on abortions based upon a woman’s reason for the abortion. The bill would require an inquiry into a woman’s motivation for having an abortion and outlaw abortions based upon the sex, race, ethnicity or diagnosed disability of the fetus. The bill would prohibit abortions if a fetal abnormality, such as Down syndrome or intellectual disability, is the reason for the abortion. This bill seeks to restrict women’s rights to make reproductive decisions that they determine are best for themselves and their families. This is wrong and unconstitutional. 

Women choose to have abortions for a number of reasons and that decision is theirs alone to make. The bill further imposes extreme and draconian civil and criminal penalties. 

We urge that the Texas Legislature respect the well-being and dignity of Texas women. Texas women should be entitled to the right of self-determination to decide their own futures. This bill must be rejected. 

For additional information, please contact: Louise Hytken, Women’s Health Issue Chair,, 972-898-7042. 

The League of Women Voters of Texas (LWVTX) is a nonpartisan citizens’ organization that has fought since 1919 to improve our government and engage all citizens in the decisions that impact their lives. It represents 31 Leagues and more than 7000 members and supporters throughout Texas. 

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office or political parties. The member-driven organization of women and men encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and seeks to influence public policy through education and advocacy of positions based on extensive issue study and consensus. 

1212 Guadalupe St., Suite 107 ★ Austin, TX 78701 ★ 512.472.1100 ★