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Position: Blog: Early Childhood

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Position: Early Childhood
Position: Early Childhood
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-08-12T21:11:00Z
 Support early childhood education, professional development, and access to affordable, high quality childcare. Expand high quality prekindergarten. Increase services for children with disabilities/developmental delays.

Position In Brief: 
EARLY CHILDHOOD + 1990, 1995, 2009 The League of Women Voters of Texas supports policies, legislation, and programs that address the needs of all Texas children and families for accessible, affordable, and quality child care.

The League believes that all children in child care are entitled to a safe, nurturing environment and developmentally appropriate activities. Caring for children is a societal as well as a family responsibility and the state should play a role in meeting child care needs. The League supports the development, adoption, and implementation of a comprehensive state child care policy that includes, but is not limited to:
  • programs designed to provide an adequate supply of accessible child care
  • access to information that will help families recognize and choose quality child care
  • a provision for parental choice in the selection of subsidized child care
  • programs designed to make child care affordable to all
  • consistent and reliable funding, administered efficiently, and used effectively
  • financial support from a variety of sources including federal grants and matching funds, state funds, local government funds, employer contributions, fees for service, private philanthropy 
  • minimum standards, effectively enforced, for child care services
  • measures to promote quality child care
  • coordination of child care programs, services, and funding
  • encouragement of cooperation among groups and agencies
  • a state model-employer program that makes quality, affordable child care available to state employees.