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87th Regular Session Wrap Up
July 2021
87th Regular Session Wrap Up
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-07-09T16:55:00Z

July 9, 2021


Over 30 anti-LGBTQ bills -- 13 of which specifically target transgender Texans -- were filed in the 87th regular session of the Texas legislature. Thanks to your efforts, every single one of those discriminatory bills was defeated. However, the fight continues in this summer’s Special Session.


Some of the bills that we saw in the Regular Session this past spring included SB 373 (Perry) and SB 29 (Perry), which both sought to limit a transgender child’s ability to play on a sports team that aligns with their gender identity. Additionally HB68 (Toth), SB1646 (Perry), and HB1311 (Hall) would have criminalized gender-affirming and life-saving medical care for transgender youth and labeled their parents and physicians as child abusers, subject to criminal penalties that could have included up to 10 years in jail.


We were successful in defeating each of these bills, though “the sports bill” (SB29) came dangerously close to passing, after a retaliatory “re-vote”  was initiated by the chair of the House Public Education committee, Rep. Harold Dutton. The bill ultimately ran out of time in the House and died on the floor as a result.


However, Gov. Abbott has placed the sports bill back on the agenda for the special session. Specifically: “Legislation identical to Senate Bill 29 as passed by the Texas Senate in the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, disallowing a student from competing in University Interscholastic League athletic competitions designated for the sex opposite to the student’s sex at birth.”


The League of Women Voters of Texas opposes any bill that intentionally discriminates against an already marginalized and vulnerable population, and we oppose any efforts to limit transgender student athletes’ abilities to participate fully in sports. Youth sports foster teamwork, build friendships, and encourage healthy habits, and the League of Women Voters of Texas believes that all children, regardless of gender identity, should be allowed the same opportunities.


As bills are filed and move through committees, we will update our bill tracker spreadsheet so you can follow along here.


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