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Testimonies: Equal Opportunity/Income Assistance

Testimony Opposing HB 25
By Amber Briggle
Posted: 2021-10-07T16:03:00Z





OCTOBER 6, 2021 11:00 A.M.

My name is Valerie DeBill, my pronouns are she/her, and I am testifying as the mother of an adult transgender son and as a member of and on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Texas.  The League OPPOSES HB 25, and ANY bill that discriminates against transgender Texans, whether intentional or not. 

The harsh reality is that these bills are not really about “protecting” sports, but are entirely about pushing vulnerable transgender youth to the sidelines.  Youth sports provide children an opportunity to set goals, make friends, have fun, get fit, and learn life lessons such as teamwork and self-discipline.  No child should have to make the impossible decision between being themselves and participating in sports. Transgender girls are girls, full stop.

Additionally, enforcement of these bills is ambiguous, and will affect transgender and cisgender girls alike. There are no guidelines on how, when, or where a student’s gender can be questioned. The risk here is that any girl could be accused of being a “biological male” if she is too strong, too fast, too tall, too aggressive, or doesn’t look “feminine enough” to fit the typical gender stereotype. This runs the risk of actually decreasing participation in girls’ sports because even cisgender girls may not want to be required to prove their gender to… who? Their coach? Their principal? The accusing party? This is not a way to encourage women and girls to participate in sports, and would be detrimental to all athletes, cisgender and transgender alike.

The League of Women Voters of Texas believes that all children deserve equal opportunities to participate in sports, regardless of gender identity. We oppose any bills that harm transgender Texans. We urge you to vote NO on these bills, and to support equality for all Texans.

For more information, please contact Amber Briggle, Equal Opportunity Issue Chair,, Phone: 940 536 8865

The League of Women Voters of Texas (LWVTX) is a nonpartisan citizens’ organization that has fought since 1919 to improve our government and engage all citizens in the decisions that impact their lives. It represents 31 Leagues and more than 7000 members and supporters throughout Texas. 

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office or political parties. The member-driven organization of women and men encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and seeks to influence public policy through education and advocacy of positions based on extensive issue study and consensus.

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