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Blog: Hazardous Waste

Help Stop High-Level Radioactive Waste in Texas!
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-04-20T21:56:00Z
April 20, 2021

 Susybelle Gosslee Issue Chair (Dallas)

Gov. Greg Abbott said, “Some people want to make Texas the radioactive waste dumping ground of America. I won't let that happen.” We hope that he will keep this promise. He vetoed a bill to allow it after the 2019 legislative session, and wrote the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to request that they deny the license to WCS, Waste Control Specialists.

Now it is the Texas Legislature’s turn to protect the state and to stop this high-level radioactive dump site in Texas. House Bill 2692 and SB 1046 ban the radioactive waste but due to loopholes and federal preemption the bills fail to halt high-level radioactive waste from coming to Texas. Texans will be paying to secure the WCS site for a million years. Help Stop High-Level Radioactive Waste in Texas!

 We have an Action Alert on the LWVTX Take Action! Website, with this information.

Please halt the bad radioactive waste bills by stopping SB 1046 and the identical companion, HB 2692. Please vote NO if they reach the floor.

  • Due to loopholes and federal preemption the bills fail to halt high-level radioactive waste from coming to Texas.


  • The bills have giveaways to a private company that cause the state to lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars.


  • Existing surcharges should stay in place, not be reduced as in this bill, so Texas will have money to clean up contamination later.


  • The bill relaxes safety measures, creating radioactive risks. For example, requirements to containerize Class A waste get removed, endangering workers on the trains and the people who live along the tracks in cities and in the country.  


  • The bills remove requirements to negotiate in good faith, abide by antitrust laws and practice nondiscrimination.

Good luck and many thanks for taking action by calling and emailing. Use your voice to protect Texas from a very dangerous outcome. Your calls and emails are helping. Let's continue to protect this incredibly wonderful and diverse state and the beautiful people in it. Call if you have questions. 214-732-8610.  


In the News:  Earthquakes are one of many reasons why West Texas is NOT a good place for radioactive waste.

Multiple Earthquakes Felt Across Texas - April 15, 2021

4.3 Magnitude earthquake outside Amarillo Wednesday night