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Position: Judicial Selection

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Position: Judicial Selection
Position: Judicial Selection
By LWV Texas
Posted: 2021-08-13T22:53:00Z

Support the appointment/retention method and/or nonpartisan election of the judiciary.

Position In Brief: 

JUDICIAL - 1960, 1965, 1983, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009 The League of Women Voters of Texas supports an effective, independent, qualified, and inclusive judiciary for Texas, which includes:

  • a uniform fiscal policy as part of a single system of centrally administered statewide courts
  • a single system of centrally administered statewide courts with a uniform fiscal policy
  • assignment of judges according to special training and docket needs.

The League supports the selection of judges in the following manner:

  • nomination by a diverse, representative, nonpartisan commission, with appointment for a specific term or appointment by the governor for a specific term
  • judges are subject to retention or rejection in an unlimited number of periodic nonpartisan elections
  • this should apply to Texas Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, and Courts of Appeals
  • selection of state district court judges may be by non-partisan election or by appointment/retention 
  • judicial campaigns should be funded with public money.