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5.17.21 Capitol Action Report League Principles are Under Assault

LWV Texas | Published on 5/17/2021

We are almost at the end of a very difficult legislative session for the League. Last Thursday was the final day for the House to pass bills originating in that chamber, so we can now see what has survived to be potentially taken up by the Senate.
The League has had to defend so many of our positions on voting rights, equal opportunity for transgender children, education, women’s health, and gun safety against bills that run counter to what we believe would be in the interest of all Texans.
But the session is not over! There is still time for you to take action! Use our Action Center to easily contact your legislators about these important bills on issues you care about.
Janet Imhoff, Vice President Advocacy

Update: League Issues in the Legislature

Voting Rights: The omnibus anti-voter bills HB 6/SB 7 have many provisions that would create more barriers to voting, while ignoring items that other states use, like online voter registration, that could make voting safer and more accessible.
In recent testimonyCinde Weatherby (Austin Area), Voting Rights & Election Laws Issue Chair, said, “We look forward to future sessions that will allow all of us to concentrate on the known existing challenges that can bring Texas into the current century. We want Texas to take advantage of what modern technology offers, and that most other states have implemented with much success.” 
The House and Senate passed different versions of SB 7, so the bill is currently in Conference Committee. Take action now! Tell your legislators that any version of HB 6/SB 7 is a threat to voters!
Equal Opportunity: Transgender children and their caregivers have been singled out this session for appalling discrimination. There is some great news, though! HB 1399 has died in the House! This bill would have banned gender-affirming medical treatment for those younger than 18. However, a Senate version of the bill (SB 1311) is still alive and has been placed on the Senate calendar. Also, the bill defining parents of trans kids who receive affirming medical care as child abusers (SB 1646) has passed the Senate and is in the House Public Health Committee.
Take Action on of these bad Senate bills that target transgender kids and their families!
EducationHB 3979 passed the House and has been sent to the Senate. This bill condemns “critical race theory,” and would restrict how history and government teachers can address the history of race in our country and discuss racial issues in current events. Dozens of education, civics, and business groups opposed this bill, saying “it is an infringement on speech and would weaken attempts to prepare students to be informed, active citizens.” (Dallas Morning News, 5/11/2021). The League stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, while this bill takes the opposite stance. See our Action Alert to learn more.
Women’s Health: Restricting access to abortion was the focus of several bills, including SB 8, which bans abortion after as early as 6 weeks, before many women even know they are pregnant. This passed both chambers and will be sent to the governor who has said he will sign it.
Gun SafetyHB 1927 allowing the permitless carry of handguns passed both the House and Senate and is in Conference Committee to consider amendments.
Cinde Weatherby, Voting Rights & Election Laws Issue Chair, provided LWV Texas testimony to the Senate State Affairs Committee on May 10th in support of HB 1382, which would establish an online mail-in ballot tracking system.
Please subscribe and watch more voting rights testimony on the LWV Texas YouTube channel!