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5.25.21 Last Call at the Capitol! All Business Concludes May 30!

LWV Texas | Published on 5/24/2021

This is the last full week of work for the Legislators. Most bills have had hearings, are on the Calendars, and voting continues. Wednesday, May 26, is a pivotal day when all bills must have had their third readings. All conference Committee Reports and amendments must be concurred with by Sunday, May 30.
We have had some disappointments, perhaps the most heartbreaking to date is the bill limiting abortion to the first 6 weeks that has passed and been signed by the governor. Find Women’s Health Issue Chair Louise Hytken’sblog here.

Take Action Now! SB 7 is a Threat to Voters!

SB 7 is in the Conference Committee. This committee will determine what provisions of the omnibus bills will make it into law. See LWVTX Voting Rights & Election Law Chair Cinde Weatherby's blog for details.
Some potential restrictive provisions are:
  • Limits to early voting hours.
  • Limits to polling locations in urban centers, which will create long lines. For details read the Texas Tribune article here.
  • Allows poll watchers to intimidate voters by using cameras and invading their personal space.
The League, Texas NAACP, Texas LULAC placed a full-page newspaper ad asking all who believe in democracy and good government to contact their legislators and the 10 members of the Conference Committee, to let them know you oppose these efforts to suppress voter rights.
Janet Imhoff, Advocacy Chair

New Action Alerts!

Tell your elected officials to oppose HB 1927! Gun owners should know the law, be trained, and have a background check. Without these safeguards, the job of law enforcement is more difficult and public safety is at risk.
Find Gun Safety Issue Chair Aimee Turney’s blog here and Take Action! NEW! Stop the Cruel Attack on Transgender Kids!
Although several bills that would harm transgender kids were stopped in the House, several are still alive in the Senate! They will be debated this week and could be sent to the House.  Email the House Calendars Committee to ask them to stop SB 29, SB 1646, SB 1311, and SB 247 from reaching the House floor! 

Action Still Needed!

Support HB 290 and HB 133. They would guard against children being dropped from Medicaid without verifying qualifications and would give new moms twelve months of Medicaid, rather than two. 
Education is a mixed bag, but the bill restricting how Social Studies can deal with racial issues was on the Senate Calendar for May 20. Find Education Issue Chair Diann Andy’s blog here and Texas Tribune article here.  Take Action Now!

Texas Secretary of State Ruth Hughs Resigns

The League of Women Voters of Texas gives thanks to Secretary of State Ruth Hughs. She led the department during the safe and secure 2020 election where Texans voted in record-breaking numbers. Read the Texas Tribune article about Secretary Hughs' resignation here.