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Texas Needs an Action Plan for Climate Change

LWV Texas | Published on 2/18/2021

Action Alert Virtual Public Input

As millions of Texans are without power and water due to continuing severe weather conditions, the League of Women Voters of Texas calls on the Texas Legislature, the 
Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)network to take responsibility for this failure of our independent power grid and develop plans and systems to prevent future disasters like this one.
These power failures demonstrate the need for accountability and evaluation on the part of our elected leaders and the ERCOT network. Instead of providing the public with accurate, straightforward information, some elected leaders are pointing fingers and alleging that renewable clean energy resources are to blame. The League of Women Voters of Texas calls on our State leaders to provide assistance and answers.  
"It is time for our leaders to develop sound policies that will ensure that the Texas power grid will be sustained in the increasingly extreme weather. Texans need a resilient infrastructure that includes energy conservation, air pollution controls, along with the promotion of renewable energy resources," said Grace Chimene, president of the League of Women Voters of Texas.
Chimene continued, "We are thankful that House Speaker Dade Phelan called on two committees, Energy Resources, and State Affairs to hold hearings on Feb. 25, 'for the express purpose of helping Texans understand what went wrong and how we can prevent these conditions from happening again."
Take action! Contact your legislators today!


The League will provide valued input to our political leaders using accurate data, sharing our values and positions.