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LWV Texas Opposes Attempt to Reverse Election Results in Other States

LWV Texas | Published on 12/15/2020

LWV Texas Opposes Attempt to revert election results

Encouraging all eligible voters to participate in our elections and respecting the results should be the intention of all politicians. Unfortunately, that is not the case in Texas. 

It is not the role of the Texas government to reverse the decisions voters have made in other states. The attempt by Attorney General Paxton to overturn election results in four other states is an attack against our democracy and the will of the people. 

This election saw historic voter turnout all across the United States, especially for early and mail-in voting. Voting brings us together as Americans – it is the one time when we are all equal.   

Every election, we get the chance to shape our democracy with our votes. The voters have spoken in the 2020 election, and every state has verified their election results. It is high time for our leaders to respect the results of the election and work together to shape a collective future for all Americans.  

Grace Chimene, president, League of Women Voters of Texas.