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October Action News!

LWV Texas | Published on 10/5/2020
October 2020 Action News!
President's Message
Grace Chimene

How to Support a Healthy Democracy During a Contentious Presidential Election!
Dear Aileen,

I’m going to let you in on a secret on how I overcome my apprehension that our democracy is at risk. I am a retired pediatric nurse practitioner. When a child is sick, bleeding, or hurt, I review the history, do an examination, make an assessment andtake actionto support that child. I won’t stand by when I’m worried our democracy is in trouble and neither will you!

You are doing an amazing job of supporting a healthy democracy during this contentious presidential election by empowering voters in your community. A record number of Texans have registered to vote already! And many Leagues will still be out registering voters today!

All around Texas, Leagues are doing an outstanding job to get out the vote.Leagues are partnering with state and county election officials to prepare for the election. You are encouraging new folks in your community to step up and become election workers. You are encouraging candidates to participate in the League’s nonpartisan Voters Guide and on, as well as our candidate forums.
As a voting rights advocate, you canfind many different ways to supporta healthy democracy here on ourHow Can I Help Voterswebpage!Take action against misinformation! Please share trusted League voter education that can be found on ourwebsiteand social media (FB,twitter,youtube.)

Take action to prevent long lines at the polls or voter intimidation. Sign up tovolunteer with our Texas Election Protection Coalitionfrom your home. Shareelection protection contact numberswidely!

LetGovernor Abbot know you are appalled he removed safe and secure vote by mail drop off locations used by vulnerable older and disabled voters in our most populouscounties in Texas.Protect older voters and voters with disabilities here!

Send an email to Texas senators that the Senate is moving too fast on the SCOTUS appointment.Take action here!

Counties may limit polling locations due to lack of election workers. Share information about how tobe an county election worker!
Join me in taking action to support a healthy democracy.Our mission says it all: empowering voters, defending democracy!

Stay safe and stay strong!
The Texas League in Action!
We are in the Courts!

Hot off the press: LWVTX with the Texas and National League of United Latin American Citizensfiled a complaint in federal court against Governor Abbott's actionlimiting where mail ballots could be dropped off to one location per county. This action discriminates against voters, especially voters who are older and disabled.
Two wins!
Mail-in ballot signature process:Richardson v. Hughs
A federal district judge issued a temporary ruling on 9-8-20 that gives the Secretary of State the option of either advising counties to not use the signature matching process at all, or advising counties that if they do use it, then they must give the voter at risk of rejection a meaningful opportunity to cure.The Court plans to revisit the issue after the election to enter orders necessary for future elections. The decision is likely to go through the appeal process.
Motor Voter law:Stringer v. Hughs
A federal judge ruled on 8-28-20 that the Department of Public Safety (DPS) must comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and allow people to register to vote at the same time that they apply for a driver's license or seek to renew a driver's license. The DPS has stated that it is now in compliance with this ruling.
Other recent legal actions:
Harris County Clerk’s authority to send applications for mail-in ballots to all registered voters challenged – the TexasAttorney General sued the Harris County Clerk to stop him from sending unsolicited applications to vote by mail. The lower courts found that the Harris County Clerk did have the authority. The Texas Supreme court just recently heard arguments in the case and will issue a ruling shortly.
Governor Abbott’s authority to extend the time for early voting has been challenged by several individuals, including Republican lawmakers. The case is before the Texas Supreme Court.
LWVTX joined LWVFL and LWVCA in filing briefs in support of lawsuits filed in NY, DC, and CA challenging President's memorandum directing the exclusion of undocumented immigrants from Census count. The court in the NY case granted injunction barring the administration’s exclusion of undocumented immigrants and declared that the President’s memorandum was unlawful. The cases are proceeding.!, LWV's online Voters Guide, is now live, complete with national, state, district and local races (in communities with Leagues). If you haven't visited,do it nowand you will be surprised by the number of candidates that are on your ballot, the information that the candidates provided to help you research candidates before you vote, and how convenient it is to make a ballot with your choices that you can take into the voting booth. VOTE411 in Spanish will be available this week.

Check out and share the updatedLWVTX YouTube videosexplaining the offices and what they do for the races on the statewide ballot.
Webinar: Who Else is on the Ballot?(After the President)

Date:October 6th, 2020
Time:Noon (Central Time)

Description:School Boards, County Commissioners, and Judges - how do these offices impact you and your neighbors? This webinar will discuss responsibilities of down ballot offices and how these elected officials impact the communities they serve.
This webinar is free and open to the public.

The League of Women Voters of Texas has joined with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), MOVE Texas, the Texas NAACP, and the Urban League and 10 professional sports teams for the#TEXASTEAMUP CAMPAIGNrev up Texans to get out and vote! The teams are: the Austin Spurs, Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Wings, Houston Dash, Houston Dynamo, San Antonio FC, San Antonio Spurs, Texas Legends, and Texas Rangers.

The campaign, which will include joint voter education and awareness efforts from each organization through marketing and social media assets, was created to encourage eligible voters to prepare for and participate in the upcoming elections.
"We are fired up to partner with our Texas professional sports teams, LULAC, the Urban League, and MOVE Texas to encourage all eligible Texans to register to vote, research the candidates and vote safely,"said Grace Chimene, president of the League of Women Voters of Texas.
LWVTX at Texas Women's Conference

Thanks to the Texas Women's Conference for sponsoring a booth for the League again this year. We had a virtual booth that will be available to the conference participants for six months.

Thank you, LWVTX Board Member Yvonne Wade Sanchez for constructing this booth!
Local Leagues in Action!
Voter Registration in Texas!

It's no surprise the number of registered voters is at an all time high! Leagues from Beaumont to Amarillo and Cooke County to the Rio Grande Valley were out registering voters!
Tiny but mighty,LWV Beaumonthas less than 15 members, but they are doing their part to register voters in Jefferson County! Last weekend they worked with the NAACP to register voters and this weekend they were out at KFDM Channel 6 hosting another drive by voter registration event.
One of the oldest and one of the largest Leagues, LWV Dallas was out registering voters yesterday in uptown and has voter registration events scheduled for today, Oct. 5. If you are in the Metroplex, check theirwebsitefor details.
LWV Fort Bend Takes on Redistricting
Oct. 5th, 7 PM - Base Building & Communities of Interest. Lydia Ozuna, LWV Fort Bend

Lydia has put together her own group called Texas AgainstGerrymandering.They have been successful at engaging with local community members in Harris and Ft. Bend counties. She will be sharing how they recruit new members and keep them involved.

October 5:Last day to register to vote before the General Election
October 13:Early Voting begins
October 23:Last day to apply for Ballot by Mail (received, not postmarked)
October 30:Last day of Early Voting
November 3:Election Day!

Be inspired by voting and civil rights heroines and heroes! Add theLWVTX Voting and Civil Rightscalendar to yourGoogle CalendaroriCal. Never forget an election, addtheTexas Electionscalendar to yourGoogle CalendaroriCal.
FYI: More Actions You Can Take!
Recruit Election Workers

Texas counties need more poll workers! Encourage your young friends tohelp democracy by getting paid tobe a county election worker.
Sign Up for Volunteer Training!