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League of Women Voters Urges Texas Governor to Ensure Safety at Polls!

LWV Texas | Published on 7/31/2020
LWV Please Vote safe

During this pandemic, the League of Women Voters of Texas supports any action that will encourage voting and keep everyone safe at the polls. “We applaudGovernor Abbott’s extension of early voting for the November 3rd General Election,” announced Texas League President Grace Chimene. The extension will allow early voters to cast their ballots from Tuesday, October 13, 2020, through Friday, October 30, 2020. Voters will also be able to plan their trips to the polls to avoid peak times and long lines. 
The extension of early voting means each county will need to enlist and train more election workers. The League of Women Voters helps to recruit election workers for counties across Texas. “As those charged with implementing government policies, election workers should follow all recommended safety precautions, including wearing face coverings,” stated President Chimene. “Governor Abbott should immediately remove the exemption of election workers and poll watchers from the Statewide Face Covering Requirement.”
Governor Greg Abbott and Dr. Guadalupe Zamora's COVID-19 PSA (English and Español) encourages all Texans to wear face masks. “Election workers and poll watchers need to know that all proper safety precautions will be in place at voting locations. No one should have to put their health at risk to work the polls in Texas,” said President Chimene. 
The League of Women Voters of Texas greatly appreciates the extension of the early voting period for the general election, but now their goal is to make voting as safe as possible!