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League of Women Voters: Texas Justice, 13th Court of Appeals, Place 3

Staff, Victoria Advocate | Published on 10/28/2022

Aaron Peña – Republican

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Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and/or review lower court decisions?

Transparency, strong judicial ethics, judicial ethics oversight and an informed and discerning electorate are essential to maintaining the integrity of the court. Some legislative oversight over campaign donations may be considered if abuses arise. Judicial candidates and judges should always strive not to give even the appearance of impropriety.

Standards: Texas requires candidates for this Court to be licensed in Texas for at least 10 years and have no suspensions or revocations in that time. What are the positive and negative impacts of this requirement?

The positive impacts are that it could create a higher quality judiciary.

It could be argued that a possible negative impact is that it reduces choices for the voter and diversity in those eligible to run.

Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?

Much can be learned from the challenges the judicial system has encountered during the most recent pandemics. Access can be made efficient and effectual with more remote court hearings. In addition to more community outreach efforts more can be done to strengthen diversion programs. The Texas Supreme Court’s eviction diversion program is a good example. Increases to legal aid funding would be beneficial.

Court System: What is your view of the Texas Courts of Appeals system and what changes, if any, would you recommend?

Although many changes have been suggested, including variations of an appointment retention system the will of most Texans to date is to have our justices selected through elections by the people. I accept their judgment.

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