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Capitol Action Report- 3/14/23

Elisabeth MacNamara | Published on 3/15/2023
March 14, 2023

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." As we move through this legislative session, when the atmosphere seems hostile to the issues we care so much about, this is a message to remember. As a nation, a state, and a community, we didn’t get to this point overnight. Just as it took over seven decades to get voting rights for women and even longer to ensure that every eligible voter, woman or man, regardless of background had free and fair access to the polls, so it took decades build a counter movement. Lately, it seems as though our rights are being eroded with just the stroke of a pen, but long years of organizing, fund raising and education made those pen strokes possible.

With good laws on the books and good lawyers to protect them, organizations like the League have successfully defended voting rights and abortion rights for fifty years and we will continue to do so in the state house and in the courthouse. We will also continue to consult our own history. From Seneca Falls to ratification of the 19th Amendment was not a straight line any more than it was straight line between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960’s. Strategies and tactics evolved and there were disagreements and splits within the movements. When success was finally achieved, the results were disappointing. Once guaranteed, voting rights were not universally exercised. Congress and the states were not always responsive. We have yet to achieve the just and equitable society that we believe is possible.

So, we keep following the arc of the moral universe in order to bend it toward justice. We are no longer fighting rear guard actions, we are marching forward with the majority of the population, organizing and educating for the future.

In League,

Priority Issues

Women's Healthcare and Reproductive Rights
Catherine Maxwell

On Tuesday, March 14th, the House Insurance committee will be holding a hearing on billHB 916that will require insurance companies and Medicaid managed care companies to allow women the ability to obtain twelve months of a prescribed contraceptive drug in one pharmacy visit vs. returning monthly or tri-monthly for refills.

On Thursday, March 16th, LWV Texas has been asked to give electronic testimony onHB 12, expanding postpartum care to twelve months for Medicaid patients. Texans Care for Children are taking the lead on this bill. They anticipate a receptive hearing from the House committee. They have three women who will be giving testimony. They have asked other supporters of this bill to provide electronic testimony.

To read the full update, clickhere.

Voting Rights and Election Law
Stephanie Swanson

Two weeks ago, the incoming Secretary of State, former state senator Jane Nelson, met with the Senate Nominations Committee, and we were very encouraged by her remarks to the committee. She signaled support for improving the design of the Ballot by Mail applications, so that they are easier to read and use. She also seemed very interested in developing ways to engage young voters in our elections. And she was receptive to improving election worker safety, so we can improve worker retention rates. We are looking forward to these potential improvements in our state's election system...

To read the full update, clickhere.

Stephanie Swanson

As you may have heard, both the House and Senate will redistrict once again this legislative session. This is, in part, due to their interpretation of the state constitution that says redistricting must occur in a regular, legislative session. (Our current district maps were adopted during a special session due to the delay of the census data.) Both the House and the Senate have chosen to "ratify" the exact same district map that was passed last session, and they plan to hold committee hearings for the maps just like they do for any other piece of legislation.

To read the full update, clickhere.

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League of Women Voters of Texas Top Priority Issues

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League of Women Voters of Texas

1212 Guadalupe St. #107
Austin Texas, 78701
(512) 472-1100