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Capitol Action Report- 3/21/23

Elisabeth MacNamara | Published on 3/21/2023
March 21, 2023

Spring has sprung, bringing with it a lot of activity in the Legislature. SB 2 which makes illegal voting a felony and purports to make it easier to prove passed the Senate last week. We will be testifying against the bill as it makes its way through the House. We testified in favor of HB 357 last week because it would simplify the vote-by-mail tracking process. The House Community Safety Select Committee will be hearing a raft of bills this week. We are registering our support for several of them that would stiffen some penalties for firearms offenses, promote more mental health treatment and better reporting of protective orders. We will be testifying against permitting Election Judges with a license to carry, to carry their firearms at polling locations. Please note the Action Alerts on this as well as on HCR 36 which urges Congress to compensate the survivors of the Sutherland Springs mass shooting.

Also note the Action Alert concerning HB 3166 creating a state-wide court of appeals to handle appeals from cases in which the State is a party. We will be testifying against this bill, which is an attempt to preempt, in this case, the regional judicial selection system and allow state actors to avoid accountability.

One thing is very clear at this point: across all our priority issues, there is a push to discourage opposition to the most extreme outcomes and minority viewpoints. Texas is not alone is this effort. From public education to voting and elections to abortion rights, legislation that limits the discretion of local elected officials while expanding the reach of state officials is likely to gain traction. More bills to empower individuals to enforce the law through audits, records requests and lawsuits are popping up. This is a very disturbing trend. We are watching bills that permit removal of election administrators and prosecutors who do not toe ill-defined lines; that create a new state-wide court to handle cases against the state and new authority in the existing supreme court to review criminal cases; as mentioned above, that make it easier to prove ineligible voting; and the list goes on.

Opposing these efforts in the legislature is obvious. Less obvious may be the other assets the League has to combat and reverse this trend. After all, we didn’t get to this point overnight (although lately, it seems so). Over 100 years of experience in deploying all the tools necessary to bend the arc of the moral universe come in handy at times like these. Our voices are strong and authentic, we live where we volunteer. Our reputation is sterling. Our methods are fair and factual. Above all, we are tireless organizers and fierce advocates.

The overarching call to action this session is to remember League Principles and our support for federalism, judicial independence, and the right of all eligible voters to cast a ballot and have it counted. After all, if we all stay in our lanes, our Constitutional system of government works.

In League,

P.S. Keep an eye out this week for action alerts opposing SB 8, the Governor's bill creating educational savings accounts, otherwise known as vouchers, as well as an action alert for both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees opposing HB 3166 and SB 1045 creating a 15th Circuit Court of Appeals with statewide jurisdiction over cases against or involving the State of Texas.

Priority Issues

Women's Healthcare and Reproductive Rights
Catherine Maxwell

I want to share about HB 12 and why it is important. This bill by Rep Toni Rose is designed to provide twelve months of postpartum healthcare to maternity Medicaid patients. It is supported in the 88th Legislature by Speaker Dade Phelan and Governor Greg Abbott. The committee hearing was held last week and the bill is currently pending in committee. LWVTX was one of the endorsers of this legislation.

Why all the fuss: Over 50% of the births in Texas are paid for by Medicaid. These patients, who meet the federal guidelines, include students, those who are uninsured for maternity, those who may not have insurance at all such as retail workers, office workers, some healthcare workers, part time employees, and those who live in poverty—in short, it is a huge, diverse group we want to protect and support in our community.

To read the full update, clickhere.

Voting Rights and Election Law
Stephanie Swanson

Elections Update
Last week the League provided testimony in support of HB 357, which would reduce the number of personal identification requirements needed to track your ballot. This change would help reduce confusion in the vote by mail process.Clickhereto see LWVTX testimony.

SB 2 Passes Out of the Senate
Last week, the Senate voted SB 2 out of their chamber. The proposed changes to the Illegal Voting Statute included in SB 2 are vague and confusing which could lead to criminalization of simple mistakes at the polls. The Lt. Governor and other members of the legislature have made this bill a priority, despite the fact that election fraud is extremely rare in our state.

To read the full update, clickhere.

Take Action!

Do Not Arm Election Judges at Polling Places!

Oppose HB 636! Polling places need to be safe for all voters. Allowing election judges to carry handguns in polling places does not ensure safety it intimidates voters. Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators to oppose HB 636.

Support the Survivors and Relatives of the Victims from Sutherland Springs

Support HCR 36! The families of those who were killed or wounded at Sutherland Springs have fought for over five years for justice in a protracted, traumatizing, and painful process. Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators and ask them to support HCR 36.

League of Women Voters of Texas Top Priority Issues

Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators and take action on the League's top four priority issues:

League of Women Voters of Texas

1212 Guadalupe St. #107
Austin Texas, 78701
(512) 472-1100