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HomeHow to Testify at the Capitol
Susan Carranza Testifying for the League of Women Voters

How To Testify at the Capitol

Use your power to influence your elected officials: email, write, call, visit, vote!

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Get to know your elected officials
Get to know your elected officials
  • Contact your elected officials - call, email, write, visit in person or Zoom. Find your “Elected Officials” on the League’s Take Action page


    • For in person visits: Make an appointment with the legislator or staff, introduce yourself, share your expertise or interest in the issue, provide quick talking points and leave behind a hand out or card. Be respectful. 
    • For calls, emails, and letters: Share that you live in their district. Discuss one topic. Ask them to take a specific action. Keep message short and simple. See How to Write Government Officials 


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Follow bills
Follow bills


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Provide testimony on a House bill
Provide testimony on a House bill

Find House instructions Here

  • First -  create a Witness Registration Account

    • This video explains how to use your witness account to register to provide testimony. 

    • Tip: Sign up at home for a witness account.

  • Second - Arrive at the Capitol an hour before the committee meeting where the bill will be heard.

    • Bring with you to the Capitol the  bill number, the name of the House committee hearing the bill, the time and location of the hearing.

    • When you are at the Capitol use your phone, tablet or computer to access the Witness Link to sign onto your House witness account.

      • TIP: The link only works when you are on the Public-Capitol Wifi! 

    • Or register inside the Capitol at a Capitol kiosk.

    • Use the Witness link to sign up to: 

      • Provide oral testimony 

      • Provide written testimony which may be turned in when you provide oral testimony or may be hand-delivered to the committee clerk.

      • Sign on in support or opposition to a bill

      • Tip - You may log onto the Public Capitol Wifi inside or outside of the Capitol building.

  • Third - Wait in the hearing room if possible for your bill.  Listen for your name to be called. Go to the podium or seat. State your name and your support or opposition to the bill. Concisely explain your position (you will have 2 or 3 minutes).

  • Tip: It is helpful to bring written testimony.

  • Tip: You may turn in copies for all committee members to the committee clerk.

  • Tip: You may only provide testimony on the bill that the committee is hearing at that time.

  • Tip: View your  testimony by going to Video Broadcasts  on Texas Legislator Online.

Provide testimony on a Senate bill
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Provide testimony on a Senate bill
Provide testimony on a Senate bill

Find House instructions Here

  • Follow the process above to provide testimony on senate bills. Note that the Senate has their own kiosks inside the Capitol. A few senate committees use paper witness forms which are available inside or outside the senate hearing room where the bill is to be heard.

  • Tip: Contact the committee clerk to find out where to register to testify.

Provide testimony on a Senate bill
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Visiting the Capitol
Visiting the Capitol
  • Parking is limited. The Capitol Visitor Parking lot is East of the Capitol.  See Maps of the Capitol

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Voting Rights
Voting Rights

Voting Rights & Election Law - The League of Women Voters of Texas supports election laws that facilitate citizen participation and voter convenience...

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Redistricting & Census  - The League of Women Voters of Texas support a state redistricting process and standards that promote fair and effective representation with maximum opportunity for public scrutiny.

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Take action!

Take Action - Contact your elected officials, write a letter to the editor, learn more about issues and review voting bills.

Sign up for League Action Alerts by texting "Action" to 80123

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How to take action
How to take action
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The League is a multi-issue organization and we hold positions on issues at the national, state, and local levels. These positions are updated periodically and are readopted at each League convention. We use these positions for advocacy at all levels of the League. 

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