Register for Lobby Days!
Save your seat for Lobby Days 2025. Registration includes Lobby Days Training, box lunch, and a t-shirt.
Register before 1/31/2025 to receive the included box lunch and t-shirt.
The cost to attend is $30 and is due when registering with the link below.
Registration closes on 2/10/2025
Attend the Zoom Training Sessions
February 4, 11, and 18, 6-7 PM: Issues Webinars
Register for Webinars Here
Topics: Voting Rights & Election Law, Healthcare & Reproductive Rights in Texas, and
What's Happening with Water in Texas?
Monday 02/24/2025 at 12:00 PM-4:30 PM
Lunch & Training on League Impact at the Local Level
Register for Lobby Days Here
Registration does not include your hotel or other travel related fees.
Monday 02/24/2025 at 6 PM-9 PM
Registration does not include admission to the
Making Democracy Work® Dinner 2025.
Tuesday 02/25/2025
Meet With Your Legislators
Make your appointments now! Coordinate with the Leagues with whom you share legislators using this LWV Texas guidance.
You will be responsible for transportation to and from the Capitol. LWVTX will assist in coordinating carpooling.